Just because it's not fish, don't disregard our Beef Tataki on the Happy Hour menu. It's an incredibly tasty item that we carefully make in-house. It is raw but you won't even notice it when you put it in your mouth. After it's been marinated, seared, and then aged, we carefully slice the beef into little medallions and then lightly dress them. An order is only $3.50 (along with 10+ other appetizers) during our Happy Hour, which is all day on Mondays and Tuesdays and on all other weekdays from 2pm till 5pm. Happy Hour also includes $2.50 sushi, $2.50 sake, and $10 Sapporo pitchers, as if you needed a reminder.
10953 Meridian Drive, Cypress, CA 90630
(Map) | (714) 828-3474