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Orange County Sushi

Mon - Thu: 11:30am-9pm
Fri: 11:30am-10pm
Sat: 12pm-10pm
Sun: 12pm-9pm

October 2020

Who's Ready for Some Sake?

Sake  Sho Chiku Bai Vanilla Custard Cinnamon Sushi Chef Orange County OC Sushi World

Who isn't ready for some sake? This bottle is Sho Chiku Bai, which is a Tokubetsu Junmai. It has aromas of Vanilla, Custard, Cinnamon, and Toasted Rice. Sushi just tastes so much better when it's coupled with the right type of sake. Our servers are well versed and will be able to point you in the correct direction, depending on your tastes and what you order. Some sakes taste better only after eating certain types of fish. That's why we have sake tastings.